This document explains how to make custom syntax files for Crimson Editor. ### REVISION HISTORY ### New features in 3.30: 1. $BLOCKCOMMENT2ON, $BLOCKCOMMENT2OFF are added (to support DELPHI) 2. Line comment delimiters and block comment delimiters are not case sensitive - can use 'REM' as line comment delimiter 3. Block comment delimiters are checked prior to line comment delimiters - can use '*' as line comment delimiter, while set '/*' and '*/' as block comment delimiters New features in 3.40: 1. $VARIABLEPREFIX, $SPECIALVARIABLECHARS are introduced to highlight variables (Perl, PHP, Bash) 2. $HEXADECIMALMARK is introduced to express hexa decimal numbers 3. $LINECOMMENTONFIRSTPOSITION is introduced to express line comment delimiter which has meaning only when it is positioned at the beginning of a line New features in 3.45: 1. Three different kinds of link files (extension link files, firstline link files, pathname link files) to support automatic syntax type detection. 2. $QUOTATIONMARKRANGE, $LINECOMMENTRANGE, $BLOCKCOMMENTRANGE was introduced to restrict effective range of syntax definition delimiters. ### SYNTAX FILE FOLDERS ### There are 'link' and 'spec' folders in Crimson Editor install directory. i.e. "C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor" In 'link' folder, there are various link files. A link file simply contains information that which syntax type a file with specific file name or file extension is categorized to. Link files are used to detect syntax type of an open document automatically. There are two kinds of syntax definition files in 'spec' folder. 1. Language specification files (i.e. PHP.SPC) 2. Language keywords files (i.e. PHP.KEY) One for each kind of syntax definition file is needed for a specific syntax type or a specific programming language. In a language specification file, there is information that defines attributes of the programming language. In a language keywords file, there is a list of keywords (reserved words) used in the programming language. ### LINK FILES (AUTOMATIC SYNTAX TYPE MAPPING) ### Following examples show the contents of example link files and explaination about how those files are used in Crimson Editor to detect syntax type of an open file automatically. 1. Extension link files (EXTENSION.*) -- EXTENSION.PL --- LANGSPEC:PERL.SPC KEYWORDS:PERL.KEY -------------------- 'EXTENSION.PL' file maps any file that has extension '.PL' to PERL syntax type (PERL syntax type is composed of two syntax definition files 'PERL.SPC' and 'PERL.KEY'). In most cases, Crimson Editor can detect the syntax type of a file successfully using this method. 2. Firstline link files (FIRSTLINE.*) -- FIRSTLINE.PL ---- CONTAINS:PERL LANGSPEC:PERL.SPC KEYWORDS:PERL.KEY -------------------- 'FIRSTLINE.PL' file maps any file that has a keyword 'PERL' in the first line to PERL syntax type (PERL syntax type is composed of two syntax definition files 'PERL.SPC' and 'PERL.KEY'). In Unix systems, it is the prefered way to inform the shell how to run a script file by jotting down the path to an appropriate execuable (interpreter) as comment in the first line of the script file. In this case, the script file has no extension usually. Following example shows information in the first line of a tipical perl script file. #!/usr/bin/perl -w 3. Pathname link files (PATHNAME.*) -- PATHNAME.MAK ---- CONTAINS:MAKEFILE LANGSPEC:MAKE.SPC KEYWORDS:MAKE.KEY -------------------- 'PATHNAME.MAK' file maps any file that has a keyword 'MAKEFILE' in its pathname to MAKE syntax type (MAKE syntax type is composed of two syntax definition files 'MAKE.SPC' and 'MAKE.KEY'). 'make' is an excellent utility to manage and build large collections of source files and 'Makefile' is the default name of its standard input data file. 'Makefile' has no extension or no information in the first line of its contents. In this case, Crimson Editor can use 'PATHNAME.MAK' file to detect the syntax type of 'Makefile'. When a document is opened in Crimson Editor, Crimson Editor tries to detect syntax type of the open document automatically using those link files. Crimson Editor follows the following steps to find the appropriate link file. 1. Crimson Editor examines if there is an available extension link file whose name is composed by appending file extension to string "EXTENSION.". 2. Crimson Editor scans all firstline link files until it could find a appropriate link file available. 3. Crimson Editor scans all pathname link files until it could find a appropriate link file available. ### LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION FILE ### Language specification file defines attributes of a programming language. Let's look in the 'PHP.SPC' file for example. ------------------------ PHP.SPC ------------------------ # PHP LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION FILE FOR CRIMSON EDITOR $CASESENSITIVE=NO $DELIMITERS=~`!@#$%^&*()-+=|\{}[]:;"',.<>/? $KEYWORDPREFIX=& $VARIABLEPREFIX=$@% $SPECIALVARIABLECHARS=*#'`!$@% # $HEXADECIMALMARK=# - this disables line comment2 delimeter $ESCAPECHAR=\ $QUOTATIONMARK1=" $QUOTATIONMARK2=' $QUOTATIONMARKRANGE=R1||R2 $LINECOMMENT=// $LINECOMMENT2=# # $LINECOMMENTONFIRSTPOSITION= - not used $LINECOMMENTRANGE=RANGE1 $BLOCKCOMMENTON=/* $BLOCKCOMMENTOFF=*/ # $BLOCKCOMMENT2ON= - not used # $BLOCKCOMMENT2OFF= - not used $BLOCKCOMMENTRANGE=RANGE1 $SHADOWON=<!- $SHADOWOFF=--> # $HIGHLIGHTON= - not used # $HIGHLIGHTOFF= - not used $RANGE1BEG=<? $RANGE1END=?> $RANGE2BEG=< $RANGE2END=> $INDENTATIONON={ $INDENTATIONOFF=} $PAIRS1=() $PAIRS2=[] $PAIRS3={} --------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT: As you have noticed already, any line begins with '#' is regarded as comment (actually any line that does not begin with '$' will be ignored). CASESENSITIVE: Flag indicating if this programming language distinguishs between upper case characters and lower case characters. This information will be used to determine if a word is a reserved word or not. DELIMITERS: Delimiters used in this programming language. Any set of characters not belong to delimiters can be a reserved word or a variable. White spaces (' ', '\t', '\r', '\n') do not need to be declared as delimiters explicitly. White spaces are regarded as delimiters by default. This information is quite important to analyze the syntax of a document, Crimson Editor could behave in strange way if this information is not set properly. KEYWORDPREFIX: In some programming languages, there are delimiters that have special meaning. For example, '#include' in C language is a preprocessor command and should be regarded as reserved word. However, '#' is a delimiter in C language, we cannot highlight '#include' as reserved word in normal way. So comes the need for KEYWORDPREFIX. Delimiters in KEYWORDPREFIX can be front part of reserved word. In this example, '&' is indicated as KEYWORDPREFIX because there are special codes in HTML like ' ', '>' and '<'. VARIABLEPREFIX: In some programming languages, variable name should begin with special delimiter. For example, variables in Perl should be prefixed with '$'. This means that any identifier prefixed with '$' is a variable. SPECIALVARIABLECHARS: In Perl, '$#', '$!' and '$$var' are also variables. The difference between normal variable name and special variable name is that special variable name can consist of delimiters. Delimiters in SPECIALVARIABLECHARS can be used to consist variable name and will be highlighted in Crimson Editor properly. SPECIALVARIABLECHARS is used only when VARIABLEPREFIX is set. HEXADECIMALMARK: Hexa decimal numbers consist of numbers and characters between 'A' and 'F'. Usually, programming languages use special marks to distinguish hexa decimal numbers from decimal numbers or from identifiers. For example, '0x0F3E' is a hexa decimal number in C language, while '#3E4F6A' is a hexa decimal number in HTML. ESCAPECHAR: Escape character in strings. For example, a chracter string like "She said \"Hello world\".\n" will not be highlighted properly if we do not set '\' as an escape character. Backslash ('\') is used as an escape character in most programming languages. QUOTATIONMARK1, QUOTATIONMARK2: Quotation mark character. These characters must be one of DELIMITERS. A character string enclosed with quotation marks is considered as constant string in Crimson Editor. QUOTATIONMARKRANGE: Effective range of quotation mark character. Possible range should be one of the predefined range constant. GLOBAL, RANGE1, RANGE2, !RNGE1, !RNGE2, !R1&R2, R1||R2 LINECOMMENT, LINECOMMENT2, LINECOMMENTONFIRSTPOSITION: Marks indicating beginning of line comment to the end of a line. LINECOMMENTONFIRSTPOSITION has effect only if the line comment delimiter is positioned at column number 1. BLOCKCOMMENTON, BLOCKCOMMENTOFF, BLOCKCOMMENT2ON, BLOCKCOMMENT2OFF: Marks indicating beginning and end of block comment. LINECOMMENTRANGE, BLOCKCOMMENTRANGE: Effective range of comment delimiters. Possible range should be one of the predefined range constant. GLOBAL, RANGE1, RANGE2, !RNGE1, !RNGE2, !R1&R2, R1||R2 SHADOWON, SHADOWOFF: Marks indicating beginning and end of shadowed text. (Shadowed text was designed for HTML comment in ASP, JSP, and PHP documents.) HIGHLIGHTON, HIGHLIGHTOFF: Marks indicating beginning and end of highlighted text. (Highlighted text was designed for XML document to highlight all the string between brackets) RANGE1BEG, RANGE1END, RANGE2BEG, RANGE2END: Marks indicating beginning and end of ranges. Ranges are used to limit keyword effective range. In this PHP example, '<?' and '?>' indicate beginning and end of PHP code block. And, '<' and '>' indicate beginning and end of HTML tags. RANGE1 delimiters are always checked prior to RANGE2 delimiters. $INDENTATIONON, $INDENTATIONOFF: Auto indentation character. '{' and '}' works in almost programming languages. These characters should be declared as DELIMITERS. $PAIRS1, $PAIRS2, $PAIRS3: Pairs to be examined for pairs highlighting feature. The order of pairs is important. First character should be a openning bracket, and the second one should be a closing bracket. These characters should be declared as DELIMITERS. ### LANGUAGE KEYWORDS FILE ### In a language keywords file, there is a list of keywords (reserved words) used in the programming language. Let's look in the 'PHP.KEY' file for example. ------------------------ PHP.KEY ------------------------ [-COMMENT-:GLOBAL] # PHP LANGUAGE KEYWORDS FILE FOR CRIMSON EDITOR [KEYWORDS0:RANGE1] and abs addslashes array [KEYWORDS1:RANGE1] mysql_affected_rows mysql_close mysql_connect mysql_data_seek [KEYWORDS5:!R1&R2] a abbr above acronym address applet array area [KEYWORDS6:!R1&R2] abbr accept accesskey action align alink alt applicationname archive axis [KEYWORDS7:!RNGE1] white black red green blue yellow magenta orange purple [KEYWORDS8:!RNGE1] á à â & ã å ä æ --------------------------------------------------------- The way to assign keywords of a programming language to each keyword group is simply writing a list of keywords after special tags like [KEYWORDS0:GLOBAL]. Followings are the meaning of the tags. * KEYWORDS GROUPS * -COMMENT-: comment, will be ignored KEYWORDS0: assigning keywords to KEYWORDS0 group. KEYWORDS1: assigning keywords to KEYWORDS1 group. KEYWORDS2: assigning keywords to KEYWORDS2 group. KEYWORDS9: assigning keywords to KEYWORDS9 group. * KEYWORDS RANGES * GLOBAL: Following keywords have effect in all document. RANGE1: Following keywords have effect only in RANGE1. RANGE2: Following keywords have effect only in RANGE2. !RNGE1: Following keywords have effect only outside of RANGE1. !RNGE2: Following keywords have effect only outside of RANGE2. !R1&R2: Following keywords have effect only outside of RANGE1 and in RANGE2. R1||R2: Following keywords have effect only in RANGE1 or in RANGE2. All keywords assigned in one keywords group will appear with the same color in Crimson Editor. Users can assign different colors to different keywords groups. Keyword ranges are little bit difficult to understand. If we take an example for PHP, text enclosed with '<?' and '?>' is PHP code block and the range enclosed with those delimiters is defined as RANGE1 in our previous PHP.SPC file. So, the effective range for PHP keywords like 'if' and 'for' should be RANGE1. On the other hand, text enclosed with '<' and '>' is HTML tags and the range enclosed with those delimiters is defined as RANGE2. So the effective range for HTML keywords like 'table' and 'form' should be !R1&R2. |
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